“Amazing speaker. Good presentation skills. Kkeps the audience engaged but also does a great job training. Her sessions are amazing and really had an effect on me and how I interact with individuals.” Topic: “It Starts by Saying Hi! Including people served in conversations about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” Presentation for the 2023 IHCA (Illinois Health Ccare Association) Annual Convention & Expo, September 2023

“One of the best sessions I have attended. It was so powerful. This speaker was phenomenal and I hope she is at future conventions. After her session, I wanted to attend all of her sessions. Amazing speaker. Keeps the audience engaged but also does a great job training. Her sessions are amazing and really had an effect on me and how I interact with individuals.” Topic: “If You Have GREAT Staff, You Have a GREAT Life!” Presentation for the 2023 IHCA (Illinois Health Ccare Association) Annual Convention & Expo, September 2023

“Amazing speaking. Would love to have her there next year. The material was great. She was extremely fun and entertaining.” Topic: “Trauma and Resilience in the Lives of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities” Presentation for the 2023 IHCA (Illinois Health Ccare Association) Annual Convention & Expo, September 2023

"There were so many things, but what I think really transfers personally as well as professionally is that the questions that should be on our minds always is not 'what is wrong with a person?', but rather 'what happened to this person?' to solicit the current behaviors." 

"I am familiar with trauma-informed care and feel it is an amazing concept to use when serving and treatment planning for individuals with disabilities. I hope staff can start using the language when communicating with providers who provide services. Which in turn will start planting seeds to help improve therapeutic and other health outcomes for individuals served by the GAC."    Topic: “Identifying Trauma’s Impact on Individuals with I/DD: Strategies to Support Healing” Webinar for Illinois Office of State Guardians, June 2023

"I'm sending this email with such much enthusiasm and appreciation.  We had searched for months for such a training and you were a large part of the lengthy process to identify a good fit.  This educational workshop was such a gift to our organization and such a huge need.  Thank you for all of the time and thoughtfulness devoted to it and sending great ideas for follow up. As we all know too well - we can't do this work alone and value partnering with other organizations to support people with disabilities live meaningful lives. Thank you, thank you, thank you."   Topic: “Am I Safe?: How To Recognize Unhealthy and Unsafe Relationships and What To Do About It” Webinar for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, January and February 2023

“I liked the integration of sexual rights and advocacy components. [T]hey provided support in case anyone was unsure about the importance/benefits of offering sex ed classes.”

“The area I took the most notes was regarding consent. I think this could be confusing for some, so this was a strong educational aspect of the modules.”

“The trauma-informed one is very important and something that staff are very concerned about. The number one concern I have heard is ‘what do I do if someone brings up sexual assault or past sexual trauma?” Topic: “What’s Right about Sex Ed” training series
Illinois Department of Human Services’ Division of Developmental Disabilities, 2022

“Very clear and organized. I felt like I came out with new ideas to help manage my son’s anxiety, regulation and more. Great speaker.” “Great tools. Very glad I took this!!!”
“Good topic. Wanted more!”
Topic: “Help! Anxiety is Taking Over My Life”: Strategies to Understand and Manage It: Part I and II
Community Summit, Wenatchee, Washington, June 2019

“I just wanted to thank you for your presentation. I gleaned so much insight, both personally and professionally. You blew my mind when you started talking about Stinking thinking (preconceived attitudes from dysfunctional thoughts); Power dynamics; Barriers in communication; What is it that defines a successful outcome. Then comes the pièce de résistance: Little t’s [of trauma] - I am so very serious. Anyway… you inspired me and touched me at a very personal level. And I am grateful.” Topic: “Supporting Survivors with Disabilities”
Adult Protective Services Conference, Itasca, IL, September 2018

“Wow! That was so great! It has been way too long since I have been ‘given to’ with really fine training by an expert in the field. I feel so much better after this morning’s learning. I found this so stimulating and makes me realize how much of this has been missing in my own training through the years, so thanks!”
Topic: Monthly group consultation services for a Provider Agency,
Chicago, IL, 2019-2020

 “I want to thank you, as it was a wonderful day, so beneficial & helpful & educational. We have been talking about many things since your workshops. It’s been really great… the activities/information you presented was fantastic!”
Topic: “Sexuality and Disability”, workshop series for Disability Service Provider residential staff and group home residents, metro-Chicago, 2019

“Self-Advocacy does matter! An amazing speaker, very dynamic and engaging! Topic and information was exceptional!”
Topic: “Self-Advocacy Matters!” Illinois Health Care Association Annual Convention and Expo, Springfield, IL, September 2019